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Who is behind Bee in my Bonnet?

Hi there!


So a bit about me I suppose. I’m a 36 year old woman and owner of two mildly feral children. This blog is driven by my strong sense of justice and that the UK is facing unprecedented challenges, discrimination and political infighting.


I have struggled with my mental health since a child, exponentially deteriorating during my teenage and adult years, especially after having my children. I wear no badges of honor for suffering the way I have but my diagnoses over the years range from General Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder.


In the past I have worked in the Ethics & Compliance, IT and Defence sectors as a Project Manager. Sadly due to my deteriorating mental health, I am no longer able to work let alone juggle Motherhood and Homemaker roles. Adulting with one hat is hard enough.


My aim here is to have a place to rant and rave about the atrocities facing the most vulnerable in the UK and hopefully raise awareness about the struggles of everyday life.


I hope my posts will be relatable, mildly entertaining and shine a light on the ignorance radiating from our esteemed Government.


Enjoy 😉



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